Friday, January 30, 2015

Character Study: S.H

S.H is solar powered.
Digging deep, and basking in every summer glow.
Quiet and resolute.
Concealed in a canopy of peace.

But simple bark obscures vitality, complexity, and depth;
An ache for justice,
A fierce grace,
And wisdom like a wild spring stream.

She is strength and subtle power.
Both the tower, and the Queen.

A force. A current. A winter glacier.
Always advancing,
Watching the signs,
Directing armies.

But she is rejuvenated by solitude.
Warm chair, moccasins, coffee, and books.
By ticking clocks,
And muffled pages, like fall leaves.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Character Study: L.H

L.H is duty and discipline.
Always early.
Conscientious, and constantly calculating.

Finding elegance in efficiency.

He turns up the table to find the legs,
And maps constellations in the universe of ideas.
He sees pattern in the chaos of a hundred sparks.

His mind is always roaming,
Eager and uncompromising.
Seeking the flicker of truth in every flame.

A curious soul.

Clever, careful, and confident.
Patient with others.
Protective of those he loves.

Friday, January 2, 2015


This year I will not be bound by the shadowy fates
who sing dirges over my future from the choir stalls.
No. My future is not theirs to declare.
Instead, I will open the door in the dark place of my soul,
and I will crawl through the cave and the dust.
I will seek my God, and I will find Him.
We will inscribe the deepest places of my heart with Truth,
and we will shine light on the shadows in the choir.
I will call them by name,
confront them,
and bind them in the freedom of a new dawn.
I will enthrone my muses in the choir stalls,
and I will heed their song.
Then I will find consolation for the fractured guardians of my heart.
I will create beauty from the wounds I carry,
and I will draw truth in the margins of injured hearts.
I will write, I will sew, I will make.
I will hone my skills.
I will read, I will study, I will learn.
I will start new ventures,
and I will strengthen old ones.
I will find opportunity in challenge.
I will see growth in fear.
I will cultivate love, and I will share it freely.
I will find satisfaction in duty,
peace in alteration,
and freedom in structure.
I will fight, I will be vigilant, and I will hope.
And so it will be that this year will be a year of fulfillment:
Of abundance, transformation, integration, and grace.
And I will be free of shadows and walk fully in the light of a new dawn.
Hope will flower and go to seed.
Faith will flourish.
Love will bloom with reckless abandon.
And this year will restore.
A year to be remembered.
A year of jubilee.